April B.O.M.

Jennifer Isley BOM for April


Congratulations to Jennifer Isley for being named FBBC BOM for the month of April.  After attending other fitness programs in the area, Jennifer came to FBBC in February of last year.  Jennifer quickly adapted to the unique culture at FBBC and committed herself to getting fit and strong with a focus and determination that is evidenced by her noticeable results.  Jennifer’s fitness level has increased exponentially and has proved to inspire others who often work out with her.

Jennifer can be seen participating in Spartan and Epic races and is a frequent runner at the Saturday morning run clubs where other boot campers also training for races often attend.  She has also particpated in many of the weight loss contests and other fitness related activities offered by FBBC as she understands that this helps to keep her accountable in accomplishing her health goals.  She has also been open and honest with other members about various nutrition regiments she is undertaking in her quest to become even healthier.   This demonstrates her willingness to help other members at FBBC in pursuit of their fitness goals.

Jennifer’s drive to become healthier extends to her daughter Jessica.  She has been successful in encouraging Jessica to also participate in Spartan and EPIC racing and has managed to get her to complete a double trifecta through Spartan Race.  This accomplishment is definitely worth pointing out as part of FBBC’s mission statement is to bring as many people as possible to a life of health and fitness.  When parents can inspire their children to embrace this lifestyle, it is quite commendable and deserves special attention.  

So as you can see, Jennifer proved an easy choice for FBBC BOM in April as she motivates and inspires others to work hard, have fun and reap the benefits of a healthy and fit lifestyle.  We are thrilled to have Jennifer as a devoted member of FBBC and look forward to working with her to accomplish even more fitness goals and endeavors.  

Thank you for all you bring to FBBC, Jennifer.  Keep up the great work!