Nina, the earth month B.O.M

Congratulations to Nina Grewal,

Boot Camper of the month for April.


What better way to celebrate earth month, than to celebrate honoring Nina. This is one amazing member. She started boot camp to add cross-training into heImage-1-1.jpgr fitness regimen. A lifelong runner and hiker, Nina has traversed and climbed some of the highest peaks on the planet. From Aconcagua in Argentina, one of the 7 summits, at 22,841 feet of elevation to Stok Kangri in the Indian Himalayas at 20,187 ft, to running 50 miles across the east rim trail in Zion as well as qualifying for the Boston Marathon, you have to admit she’s one of a kind.

Say that again:

  • Summitted Aconcagua & Stok Kangri
  • Ran 50 miles along the Zion Rim
  • Qualified for the Boston Marathon
  • Performs surgery
  • One of a kind

And let’s talk about kind… being a vascular surgeon, she was instrumental in helping one of our trainers during a medical emergency on more than one occasion and has been a great source of information in the area of scientifically backed nutrition. Plus she knows all the great vegan restaurants in the area.

Adopting a vegan diet along with her commitment to boot camp, Nina has seen significant benefits to her health, energy, stamina and physique. But she’s not the only who’s noticed. The changes in her strength and endurance have been incredible and inspiring to so many.

In summary, if Nina isn’t in the operating room or helping the community, she is happily running along some trail or at boot camp working out with a smile on her face.

Congratulations & keep going, Nina!


Congratualtions, Suzy!

Member of the Month for March…..down 24 lbs!

Suzy Link started boot camp in November… she is a member of our hiking club, she conquered the rope climb and has committed to competing in her very first Spartan race in June in Canada. She comes in with a great attitude and gives it all she’s got….because she’s on a mission to get stronger and healthier and she’s excited to continue on.IMG_7333.JPG

In January, she really started to see some amazing results and decided to throw herself out there and share her story.  Read her January story below to get inspired and be sure to give her a high-five when you see her at boot camp.

Way to set your mind and make it happen, Suzy!

We are so proud to have you as a Fit Body Boot Camp member and we are excited to help you continue on in your journey.


From Suzy, to the world – Jan. 22, 2017

“I’ve watched the number on the scale creep up over the past few years, between fertility drugs, two pregnancies and a fair amount of stress eating. I honestly didn’t care. However, in October, I made the decision to take better care of myself… to eat better and exercise more and to become stronger and healthier. Today I stepped on the scale and realized that I reached my second goal (the first being to climb that dang rope). 20 lb down! I may not have the perfect body by the world’s standards but it’s strong and fit and I love it. So I feel great! I’m thankful for Josef for putting up with me waking him up at 5 a.m. when I get ready for boot camp and for letting me take off for a run or bike ride when I need it. I’m grateful for Ali, Val, Riza, Osmar and Charles for making boot camp one of the best parts of my day. I’m a little shy and may not say it in person, but I really appreciate you guys. Anyways, I’m feeling fantastic today and just had to share it with the world.”


Girl, you look FABULOUS!


Congratulations, ADAM!


This guy has it going on!


Adam served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years and is currently a Supervising Park Ranger with Orange County Parks. In addition to his professional career, Adam is also a volunteer with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue Unit.  Adam has 24 years of backpacking, dayhiking, and wilderness experience. He is a Certified Interpretive Guide with the National Association for Interpretation and former Docent for Laguna Canyon Foundation and Irvine Ranch Conservancy. Adams’ wilderness training consists of Wilderness First Aid Course x3, Basic Concepts of Wildland Fire and Principles of Wildland Fire Behavior, Saddleback College Volunteer Naturalist Course in addition to Trail Maintenance Basic and Crew Leader training with the Southern California Trails Coalition. He has also recently been certified as an Assistant Scoutmaster for his son’s Boy Scout troop.

WOW…..and that’s not all!

Adam also decided to head up our 2016 Hiking Challenge this last year, volunteering his time and effort to create an amazing Fit Body Boot Camp hiking program in addition to participating in an incredible number of athletic activities with the Fit Body Boot Camp team. His activities include the following:

Spartan Races: SoCal Sprint, Las Vegas Super, SoCal Beast, LA Spartan Sprint, SoCal Super, Breckenridge Beast, Lake Tahoe Ultra Beast

Other races: Turkey’s on Trails 10k, two EPIC SERIES races, Run in the Parks 5k, Camp Pendleton Mud Run 10k, Bubble Run 5k, Donut Run 5k

Hikes: Blackstar Canyon 17m, Bell View Trail 17m, Limestone Canyon 9m, Santiago Peak 18m, Aliso Creek Run 14m, Irvine Park Hike 11m, Modjeska Peak 20m, Cucamonga Peak 12m, Mt. Baldy 11m, Mt. San Jacinto 12m, Ridgepark Trail Run 11m, San Gorgonio 18m, San Bernardino Peak 17m, Mt. Whitney 17m, Grand Canyon 22m, Echo Mountain 11m, Aliso & Wood Canyon Hike 10m.

In addition to all of the above, Adam comes to boot camp regularly, offers some pretty awesome program ideas as well as encourages, motivates and aids his fellow boot campers to push themselves and stay true to a lifestyle of fitness.

Congratulations, Adam!  You are SO INSPIRING!


Congratulations, Tom & Aimee!


Now talk about an AMAZING power couple.

These two really have it going on!


Tom & Aimee take their fitness seriously. So seriously, they don’t let anything get in the way of their workouts and they even find ways to get in some extreme races throughout the year. Tom has a demanding travel schedule, traveling around the world year-round.  He often joins in on a boot camp session even after flying in from China.
IMG_5705.PNGAimee keeps a tight household with two teenagers and two youngsters who are all involved in their own activities. Plenty of excuses for them not to workout. Yet they both make sure they get to boot camp and get their workouts completed.  They are also true to their nutrition, preparing their food on a regular basis.
These two are committed and have been part of our Boot Camp family for over 3 years and have participated in several of our team races, including Spartan, Tough Mudder, Ragnar Trail and more. Truly, an inspiring couple….and if they can do it, anyone can do it!

Congratulations, Tom and Aimee!  You are AMAZING!


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Meet Bill, Member of the Month!

Congratulations, Bill!

He came, He conquered!

Bill is a member of several Fit Body Boot Camp Race and adventure teams, including our Epic Race Team, our Spartan Race Team & our 6-pack-of-peaks Hiking team. He makes a commitment, focuses, gets involved and continues to challenge himself on a regular basis. One of his greatest accomplishments at FBBC is being the ONLY Boot Camp member to have completed all six of the 6-pack-of-peak hikes, which includes the highest peaks and some of the most difficult terrains in Southern California. Not only did he complete the 6-pack, he is also one of only six to have summited the top of Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the contiguous U.S. & the Sierra Nevada with an elevation of 14, 505 ft.  The 6-pack-of-peaks challenge was an extremely difficult and daunting adventure taking 9 months to complete.

In his own words, read what Bill has to say about his experience at Fit Body Boot Camp and be sure to check out a few of his photos below.

I am really grateful for Fit Body Boot Camp.  I remember when my wife, Kathy, first brought me to boot camp over two years ago.  Before that first session, I believed that I was getting a good workout during my regular visits to the gym.  After that first session – which nearly killed me, by the way – I recognized that there was something different and better about OC Fit Body Boot Camp.  So I returned for a second session and then a third… and a couple months later I was a regular goer and I gave up my gym membership.
Now, two years later, I have to admit – I’m stronger, I have better endurance, and I am doing things that I don’t think I could have done in the past.  I met a lot of great people too, and I think they appreciate Fit Body Boot Camp as much as I do.  Thanks for what you do.

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Just a little courage is all it takes!





Meet Ellen everyone!

She picked up the phone & called me…..TERRIFIED!


She said she “COULDN’T DO IT”

She asked me to be honest with her and hoped I would tell her it was NOT FOR HER.

She was thin her whole life, never worked out, never worried about what she ate & now it all caught up to her. Her clothes were tight and she was noticing physical changes. She knew she had to do something, but she was….TERRIFIED!

Of course, I talked her into coming to boot camp, giving it a try, doing what she could do….even if it wasn’t much. I told her she needed to move, she needed to change things up and guess what….SHE SHOWED UP!

She came, she did what she could, she TRIED!

She was TRAUMATIZED, and the first time I asked her to climb a wall….I thought she was going to DIE!

She looked at me in shock as though it was a joke. She asked, “What do you mean climb over the wall?  How?  Are you serious?  You can’t be serious!”

She mentioned she grew up with her dad…no mom, and her dad thought girls just played with dolls….so that’s what she did most of her childhood. She sat with her friends and played with dolls. No running, no jumping, no climbing, just sitting. She couldn’t possibly climb a wall.

Boot camp was completely out of her comfort zone and it’s remarkable that she showed up and actually stayed. She keeps coming and she keeps trying and she’s making great strides in her health.

IMG_2485.JPGThe best part of my job is watching someone like Ellen, who shows up with determination and works hard even when she doesn’t believe in herself, and it’s been amazing to see her gain confidence as well as strength and endurance. It’s especially great to see her enjoying herself while working out. The best part is she welcomes, encourages and motivates newcomers to just do what they can.

Recently, I asked her to join our Spartan Revolution workout. She REFUSED! She said she couldn’t possibly keep up with the Spartan crew. I told her to register anyway, to just show up. She showed up. She didn’t participate, but she showed up….and I know that next time, she will participate and she will LOVE it, and I can’t wait to see her motivate others to join in as well.

Ellen, you have earned this award by showing COURAGE. In the midst of fear and intimidation and insecurity, you mustered up the COURAGE TO JUST SHOW UP.


On behalf of the Fit Body Boot Camp Team and myself, we are SO PROUD OF YOU!

Congratulations, Jeff & Melissa!


The “EPITOME” of a healthy family!

Jeff & Melissa are longstanding Fit Body Boot Camp members who have been incredibly consistent and committed to their health and fitness. Often seen working out and training together, they not only keep themselves motivated, they motivate others, including their 2 young sons, to live healthy lives and adopt an active lifestyle. These two are always ready to take on new challenges to achieve their goals and have encouraged many to become part of the Fit Body Boot Camp family. They have competed in a multitude of outdoor activities and races with the Fit Body Boot Camp Team, including Spartan Race, Ragnar Road & Trail races, marathons, mountain bike races, motorcross and more…..and encourage their boys to race and be active as well.

“The family that moves together, succeeds together!”


Congratulations to Jane!

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This is one amazing lady!

Not only has Jane completed 18 full marathons and more than 60 half marathons over the years, she is now a Fit Body Boot Camp Spartan Race Team member and looking to achieve her Spartan Trifecta in Hawaii this year. One of Jane’s 2016 New Year’s Resolutions was to join our Six-Pack-of-Peaks Hiking Challenge. So far she has completed every hike on the schedule and is seriously training for Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the continental United States coming up in September. She has logged well over 100 hiking miles so far and plans to keep that number rising. Jane even decided to complete two back-to-back Fit Body Boot Camp sessions in one day.

WOW! I love this lady!

Not only is she committed, she has also motivated and challenged others along the way. Congratulations, Jane!

Criteria for Fit Body Boot Camp’s Member of the Month is listed below and Jane has achieved it without question!

  • Motivating others
  • Having a positive attitude
  • Consistency in training
  • Taking on new challenges
  • Participation in Fit Body Boot Camp events
  • Loving on Trainer Ali (my personal favorite)

Keep it up, Jane……You are truly AMAZING!



Congratulations! It’s Twins!

…..and it’s a set of twins!

Rita & Maria, the Fit Body Boot Camp Twins.

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These two “Beauty Queens” as they are referred to at boot camp, are quite the pair. Positive, fun, motivating, inspiring, entertaining, enthusiastic, genuine, cheerful, friendly, encouraging, dedicated and supportive!

Wow!  What more can you say?

Well, when it comes to this dynamic duo, there’s a lot more to say.

These lovelies have met all the criteria that we look for in highlighting our members:

  • consistent attendance
  • event participation
  • motivating others
  • conquering fears
  • overcoming obstacles
  • promoting fitness

They can be seen at boot camp on a constant basis, and have both participated in team events and challenges as well as continually promoting and encouraging a fit lifestyle to so many around them. They’ve taken on fears and obstacles and have succeeded in making fitness their lifestyle. They both swore they would “NEVER” compete in a Spartan race. In overcoming their fears, they accomplished this. Not only did they register, they encouraged a whole team to race alongside them to compete and complete it together.


And recently, when a boot camper was down, they took the time to  make sure their fellow boot camper was taken care of by providing their time as well a delicious meal.

True bootcamp mentality…no man left behind.


Make sure you read each 0f their testimonies below!

We are SO PROUD to have these “TWINS” a part of the Fit Body Boot Camp Family!


Rita Webber’s Testimony – “DEDICATED TO MY MOM”

Maria Rutti’s Testimony – “THE TRUTH ABOUT MY 90 DAY CHALLENGE”




….and the joke was on him!

In his own words, Our February member of the month, Nathan, shares his story!

I bought my wife a Fit Body Boot Camp Groupon as a birthday gift.  It was funny, at the time, as I would almost every morning mock the members who would be dragging tires on the sidewalk outside our offices.  As every good wife, she dragged me into the exercise thing, to, of course, give me an opportunity to be a good, supportive husband.  The joke ended up being on me, as I then became the sucker dragging tires around and having old women running circles around 5-foot me.

Starting, unable to run around the old Rancho facility, to running two Spartans does hype you up.  Honestly, boot camp boredom was beginning to set in 6 months back, but I had no interest in doing the Spartan as it seemed overkill.  The realization that I needed a fitness challenge came just in time to rescue me from

slipping away from “forty and fit”. Sprint_CrawlWe all need a challenge.
Someone said, “the best way to maintain is to obtain!”  I managed to finish the Super in the top 20% and the Sprint the top 5% at 44, not bad for a old boy.
My first-time-around Trifactor I’ll run to finish and next year it will be to better my times. The year after that, to do the Endurance challenges.
Why not, life is short!
The coolest thing is that Spartan has now become a family event for the Isaacs’.  My two daughters, 8 and 6, did the Kids Race, and Becky has been inspired to do a Sprint this year.  The eye opener for me was that everybody is welcome to do the Spartan no matter what their fitness level.
I cannot take all the credit for my fitness progress. The Fit Body Family that is, the staff, as well as the members, all encouraged and actually contributed to me taking the Spartan challenge.
Thanks all!